In a world in which the enemy was felt as a constant, invasive presence in
everyday life, where conquests or military triumphs often seemed illusory, it
was difficult to make out any clear-cut boundaries between war and peace. Part
of what could be defined as the civilian organisation of power seemed directed
at preventing or deflecting possible armed attacks. Glorification of the
military virtues of the governors made it possible for the state to take more
decisive action. An efficient tax system was established due to the need to
draw from a larger pool of money to confront the dangers from the border
territories. Lacking a police system in the modern sense, there were military
forces which protected the public order and dealt with the prevention of crime.
Thus the civilian and military sectors were two closely-connected worlds.
In addition, war also served to accelerate scientific advances. It encouraged
the development of technological research, led to communication between men
from far-off lands, and inspired the creation of specialised techniques.